Monday 25 September 2017

I love you but i can't tell you

  Fear is also true love that you may want to ask for it.
Every time your concept star is for a glimpse of a voice thirst is also like a fear coming against you it's name only love.
  I look at you as more than what you are to me currently. Because to me you are everything. Everything I’ve ever wanted but mostly because you treat me as though I matter. As if my opinions and everything I want is important to you too. And that’s what love is.
  But I can’t tell you I love you.I can’t tell you that every night before I go to sleep I think about you. I think about you when it’s dead at work and I’m just wishing I’m anywhere else. I thinkabout you when I can’t get through the day without wanting to cry. You are home to me and just hearing your voice reminds me how that feels.
  And when people ask me if I’m in love with you I tellthem no. Because I don’t want to be the cause of losing you. Even though we mean so much to each other, it doesn’t mean that we need to be together. That’s when the lines of loving someone and being inlove with someone are blurred. And my lines with youare so blurry. I can’t even tell you what’s going on in my mind and my heart because I don’t know.
  We can learn so much from each other but only if wekeep it to the capacity that it’s at. And I’m not fully sure risking everything to tell you my feelings would be the smartest because I don’t feel as though we’re on the same page. And that’s OK. It’s OK to not be exactly at the same moments in life. It’s OK to not feel the same kind of attraction. But let me tell you something,it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done to keep my mouth shut about this.
  And if we ever did cross paths as lovers instead of friends, I know that I wouldn’t need anyone else.You are the ultimate. You would be my ultimate. So maybe we’ll end up together or maybe we won’t but all I know is this; as long as you exist in my world, I’ll be happy.
   No matter what capacity

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