Saturday 13 February 2021

Pehli mohabbat

चलती हुई ज़िन्दगी रुक गई
जब तेरी नज़रे मुजसे टकरा गई
हलकी सी तेरी जुल्फें क्या बिखर गई
हमारी तबीयत ज़रा सी बिगड़ गई

जब तू गफलत में पलट गई
अब इंतजार की वजह बन गई
गहरी काली आंखें जब टकरा गई
हमारे लिए तो दुनिया फीकी हो गई

Saturday 30 September 2017


   When you hear the word love what do you think of? The feelings you have for your spouse? Your children or family? Your friends? Maybe you think about your favorite food that you love or some activity that you are really interested in (e.g., I love baseball). Some use this word to describe their respect for their country. In the English language, the word love can apply to all of these things and many others. So, when the word love is used, you have to consider the context to understand what is meant.

In the New Testament we quickly learn the importance of love in the life of a Christian. But what does the word mean? How important is love to the Christian? What impact does love have in the believer's life? In this article we will begin a series of articles that will address these questions and many others.


What is love? In the Greek language, there are four different words that are translated love in English. Two of them are found throughout the New Testament. Determining which Greek word is used is needed to determine the true meaning of the context.

The first word translated love is agape. This word is exclusive to Christianity. W.E. Vine describes this word as "the characteristic word of Christianity." (Love). Thayer defines the word as "1. Affection, good-will, love, benevolence:" (from Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 2000 by Biblesoft). A good practical definition of this word is, Caring enough to sacrifice for what is best.  This type of love involves proper behavior toward others. At times it is against natural inclinations (i.e. - loving your enemies and neighbors). Agape love is involved in every relationship the Christian has.

The other Greek word translated love in the Bible is phileo. This word indicates tender affections according to W.E. Vine. Thayer defines it as, "1. To love; to be friendly to one" (IBID). It is a word that describes the feelings one will have toward his friends and those he cares about. Christians develop this type of love in certain relationships associated with their Christianity (i.e. - God, Jesus and his brethren).


Love (agape) is very important to the Christian. It is the foundation of everything he does. 1 Corinthians 13 describes this love. In the first 3 verses, Paul describes just how important love is. He states, "1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Note how important Paul says it is that we have Christian love. He states that if we have great eloquence in our speech but there is no love, than to God it is just noise. If we have a great knowledge and understanding of God's word, and if we have the greatest of faith in Him, if love is missing, it will amount to nothing. And even if we surrender our lives and our possessions for some reason other than godly love, it will be of no profit to you. Paul writes this in the midst of a discussion about brethren arguing over spiritual gifts that some possessed and others did not (1 Corinthians 12-14). His point is this: It doesn't matter what we say, do or have. If we lack the proper motive, namely Christian love, God will not accept it. Yes love is important.

" From this text we note that love originates with God, and that He is in fact the manifestation of love. The ultimate example of this is seen in His sending His son, Jesus, to die upon a cross so that our sins could be forgiven. It is in this that God so loved the world (John 3:16). John concluded this passage by exhorting us to love one another just as God loved us.

Monday 25 September 2017

I love you but i can't tell you

  Fear is also true love that you may want to ask for it.
Every time your concept star is for a glimpse of a voice thirst is also like a fear coming against you it's name only love.
  I look at you as more than what you are to me currently. Because to me you are everything. Everything I’ve ever wanted but mostly because you treat me as though I matter. As if my opinions and everything I want is important to you too. And that’s what love is.
  But I can’t tell you I love you.I can’t tell you that every night before I go to sleep I think about you. I think about you when it’s dead at work and I’m just wishing I’m anywhere else. I thinkabout you when I can’t get through the day without wanting to cry. You are home to me and just hearing your voice reminds me how that feels.
  And when people ask me if I’m in love with you I tellthem no. Because I don’t want to be the cause of losing you. Even though we mean so much to each other, it doesn’t mean that we need to be together. That’s when the lines of loving someone and being inlove with someone are blurred. And my lines with youare so blurry. I can’t even tell you what’s going on in my mind and my heart because I don’t know.
  We can learn so much from each other but only if wekeep it to the capacity that it’s at. And I’m not fully sure risking everything to tell you my feelings would be the smartest because I don’t feel as though we’re on the same page. And that’s OK. It’s OK to not be exactly at the same moments in life. It’s OK to not feel the same kind of attraction. But let me tell you something,it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done to keep my mouth shut about this.
  And if we ever did cross paths as lovers instead of friends, I know that I wouldn’t need anyone else.You are the ultimate. You would be my ultimate. So maybe we’ll end up together or maybe we won’t but all I know is this; as long as you exist in my world, I’ll be happy.
   No matter what capacity

Saturday 23 September 2017


Baji Rao and Mastani : 

           Peshwa Baji Rao was a military general to the fourth Maratha Chhatrapati Shahuji. His love story with Mastani has become a legendary tale. The origins of Mastani are not confirmed. Some say that she was the daughter of a Hindu Maharaja and his Persian wife while others say that she was the daughter of Nizam of Hyderabad. Some even think that she could have been a dancer in the court of the Nizam. Whoever she was, Baji Rao fell in love with her and married her despite great opposition from his family. When Baji Rao died in battle it is said that a grief stricken Mastani committed suicide.

Why you love her

                                     Opinion Article

         These faces have been gracing my life for a year and a half now,yet they never get old.That faked frown, the wrinkled nose.All equally beautiful.
          Every one relationship has that face they get when their partner does something really weird right? well i see it more than  I would imagine most people do, And it's gotten to the point i do things just to see it.IF YOU SMILE TOO, it's an added bonus.
          When life gets me down, you're always there to make me laugh and smile when I feel I can't. I love you for it. You're my number one cure for a bad day. No matter what happens, I know you're there.

       Friends comment and share                                                                             

Friday 22 September 2017


  1. An S.O. who lifts you up and reminds you how awesome you are when you really need to hear it
Being in a relationship should feel good, not anxious or stressful! Your significant other is someone you can go to for support and to help you overcome challenges you’re facing. While people in our lives push us to be the best people we can be, a partner in a healthy relationship accepts and loves you for the person you are today.

  1. Having a safe place to vent and share your feelings
Being in a healthy relationship means having really great communication, which encompasses a lot of different things. Communicating can mean negotiating and finding mutually beneficial solutions to arguments, but it can also mean feeling comfortable sharing with your partner. So at the end of a long day, you should count of your partner to be there and listen – and vice versa!

  1. Being with someone who will sweep you off your feet, not step on them
Good partners recognize that they are a part of your life – not your entire life. The person you are with should encourage you and always give you the space you want and need. Even more than that, having a significant other should never mean that you have to give up relationships with your friends or family. Your partner is there to make your life even better, not take people away from it.

Why I Love You

I love people who love me

  • I love you for the way you make me feel when I am with you
  • I love your humor
  • I love how we like the same music
  • I love how we complete each other’s thoughts
  • I love your eyes
  • I love your smile
  • I love how I see myself through your eyes
  • I love that we will grow old together
  • I love that you are my best friend in the whole world and always will be
  • I love it when we stay up late just hanging out with each other and each other only.